Author's posts

Second edition of Designing with LibreOffice available for free download

Designing with LibreOffice cover

Bruce Byfield and Jean Hollis Weber announce the second edition of Designing with LibreOffice. The book is available as an .ODT or .PDF file under the Creative Commons Attribution/Sharealike License version 4.0 or later from The first edition was published in 2016, and was downloaded over thirty-five thousand times. Michael Meeks, one of the …

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New book: Taming AOO 4.1 Writer

Cover of Taming AOO 4.1 Writer

Taming Apache OpenOffice 4.1 Writer is a reformatted and rebranded version of an update to an old OOo 3.x Writer Guide by members of the AOO Documentation Team. A free download of the PDF is available here. Low-cost printed copies are available from

New book: Taming AOO 4.1 Getting Started

Cover of Taming AOO 4.1

If you’re still using AOO (instead of switching to LibreOffice), you probably don’t need a book, but I’ve done one anyway. Taming Apache OpenOffice 4.1: Getting Started has been updated (from my book of the same name for v3.4) by me and members of the AOO Documentation Team, and reformatted and rebranded by me. A …

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Time to upgrade to LibreOffice?

AOO error message

Are you still using Apache OpenOffice? Have you recently tried to open a .odt, .ods or .odp file and received this error message? “This document was created by a newer version of OpenOffice. It may contain features not supported by your current version.” The notice (pictured) that pops up in Apache OpenOffice doesn’t say so, …

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Here’s why to choose LibreOffice, not OpenOffice

Bruce Byfield summarizes the main reasons to choose, or switch to, LibreOffice instead of OpenOffice, in his article OpenOffice: A Project in Search of an Exit Strategy. Bruce writes, “I keep asking myself what OpenOffice can do that LibreOffice cannot do better, and I keep coming up blank… LibreOffice has always held every advantage. Whatever …

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New book: Designing with LibreOffice

Bruce Byfield’s much-anticipated book, Designing with LibreOffice has been published by Friends of OpenDocument, Inc. Read about it here or jump straight to the download/buy page to get a free PDF or buy a printed copy. Most of the information in this book applies to Apache OpenOffice as well as to LibreOffice. Major differences are …

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I have resigned from the AOO project

I just posted the following note to the Apache OpenOffice project management committee and the project’s public mailing list. “I hereby resign from the Apache OpenOffice PPMC. I intend no further involvement with this project and will unsubscribe from all project lists after posting this note. For me, contributing to a volunteer project must be …

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What is Apache OpenOffice (

EDIT July 2022: Well, as you can see, now and then I drop in here with some news. EDIT December 2018: Most of the material formerly on this site has been removed, because it is obsolete. EDIT September 2016: If you are using, or considering using, Apache OpenOffice, please see this article for some information …

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